Biological Evaluation of Boron for Health Science for Research Purpose
Louis Pasteur Center for Medical Research
Takagaki M, Uno K, Hosmane NS.: An Overview of Clinical and Biological Aspects of Current Boron Neutron Capture Therapy (BNCT) for Cancer Treatment . “BORON CHEMISTRY IN ORGANOMETALLICS, CATALYSIS, MATERIALS AND MEDICINE”. 2017. in press
NS. Hosmane, JA. Maquire, Zhu Yinghuai, M. Takagaki.: Boron and Gadolinium Neutron Capture Therapy for Cancer Treatment. (ed. NS. Hosmane) World Scientific Publishing, 2012
M. Takagaki, Y. Tomaru, NS. Hosmane. Boron Science: New Technologies and Applications. (ed. NS. Hosmane) CRC Press-Taylor and Francis Group, LLC, 2010 ibid(Takagaki, M., Tomaru, T., Maguire, JA, Hosmane, NS.: Future applications of Boron and Gadolinium neutron capture therapy Boron Science: New Technologies and Applications. (ed. NS. Hosmane) CRC Press-Taylor and Francis Group, LLC, pp 233-164, 2011 (Publication Date: September 22, 2011)
Snajdr I, Janousek Z, Takagaki M, Cisarova I, Hosman NS, Kotora M.: Alpha and beta-carboranyl-C-deoxyribosides: Syntheses, structures and biological evaluation. EJMC 83(2014) 389-397
H. Patel, M. Takagaki, B. Bode, I. Snajdr, D. Patel , C. Sharman, M. Bux, S. Bux, N. Hosmane.: Biological evaluation and BNCT of carboranyl appended saccharides. BBJNCT. 2013.
Takagaki, M., Sakai, R., Yinghuai, Z., Hosmane, NS.: GdNCT;Cellular toxicity of gadolinium contrast enhanced matererials; Gd-DTPA and Gd-HP-DO3A. KUR-Technical Report, 2007
Zhu Yinghuai, Ang Thiam Peng, Keith Carpenter, John A. Maguire, Narayan S. Hosmane, Masao Takagaki.:Substituted-Carborane-Appended Water Soluble Single-Wall Carbon Nanotubes: New Approach to BNCT Drug Delivery. J. Am. Chem. Soc., Vol. 127 (No. 27), 9875-9880., 2005
Salt, C., lennox, A. J., Takagaki, M., Maquire, J. A., Hosmane, N. S.:Boron and gadolinium netron capture therapy. Russian Chemical Bulletin, Internatinal Edition, 53(9), 1871-1888, 2004
Takagaki,M,Vyakaranam,K,andHosmane,NS.Receptortargetedcarboranylsubstituted folic acid for BNCT. Kyoto University Research Reactor Institute Progress Report, 2002, 150.
Takagaki, M, Yan, CG, and Hosmane, NS. Non-tumor specificity of polyhedral borane cages toward C6 cells. Kyoto University Research Reactor Institute Progress Report, 2002, 149.
Spievogel,BF,Rana,G,Vyakaranam,K,Grelck,K,Dicke,KE,Dolash,BD,Li,SJ,Zheng, C, Maguire, JA, Takagaki, M, and Hosmane, NS A novel approach to the syntheses of functionalized, water-soluble icosahedral carboranyl anions. Crystal structure of methyl N-[(trimethylamineboryl)carbonyl]-L-tyrosinate: A synthon for nove carboranylpeptifes. Collect. Czech. Chem. Commun 2002, 67, 1095-1108
TakagakiM,PowellW,SoodA,SpielvogelBF,HosmaneNS,KirihataM,OnoK,Masunaga SI, Kinashi Y, Miyatake SI, Hashimoto N. Boronated dipeptide borotrimethylglycyl—phenylalanine as a potential boron carrier in boron neutron capture therapy for malignant brain tumors. Radiat Res. 2001 Jul;156(1):118-22.
TakagakiM,OnoK,MasunagaS,KinashiY,SakuraiT,KobayashiT,MiyatakeS,Hashimoto N. 10Bquantitativedeterminationinthepptorderrangebyparticletracksreading for boron neutron capture therapy. Radioanalytical Nucl. Chem. 2001, 247(2), 389-392.
Takagaki M, Oda Y, Miyatake S, Kikuchi H, Kobayashi T, Sakurai Y, Osawa M, Mori K, Ono K. Boron neutron capture therapy: preliminary study of BNCT with sodium borocaptate (Na2B1 2H1 1SH) on glioblastoma. J Neurooncol. 1997 Nov;35(2):177-85.
Takagaki M, Ono K, Oda Y, Kikuchi H, Nemoto H, Iwamoto S, Cai J, Yamamoto Y. Hydroxylforms of p-boronophenylalanine as potential boron carriers on boron neutron capture therapy for malignant brain tumors. Cancer Res. 1996 May 1;56(9):2017-20.